Social Wellness

Walk on the beach

What is Social Wellness?

Social Wellness is the second Dimension of Wellness. This is your ability to build and maintain healthy, positive relationships with others. 

When we think of health we often think about our physical wellness and forget the importance of maintaining good relationships with friends, family and community.  Having a healthy Social Wellness is critical for your wellbeing and longevity.

Ways to maintain and improve your Social Wellness include:


city, street cafe, gastronomy-4298285.jpgPut yourself out there and meet new people. This could mean joining a club, attending social events or even just striking up a conversation with someone new at a coffee shop. This can help you feel more connected to your community and can lead to new and meaningful relationships.

dog, animal, pet-4494554.jpgMake an effort to spend time with those that you care about, whether it’s a phone call, a coffee date or a weekend away. Showing that you value and care about others will not strengthen your relationships but also make you feel more connected and supported. 

lake, people, relax-407258.jpgLife can be busy, but it’s important to find time for fun and relaxation with your friends and loved ones. Whether it’s a movie night, a walk , or a picnic in the park, making time for leisure activities can help you feel more relaxed and connected to others. 

volunteer, girl, smile-6800977.jpgAre you able to effectively communicate with others? This means being an active listener, expressing your own thoughts and feelings clearly, and resolving conflicts in a healthy and respectful way. Improving your communication skills will not only enhance your relationships, but also boost your self-confidence.

hands, colorful, paint-2706109.jpgBy giving back to the community, one can feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment, as well as connect with others who share similar values and interests. 


Social Wellness is an important aspect of overall well-being that involves maintaining healthy relationships and participating in community activities. By focusing on these areas, one can build a strong connection with others, feel a sense of belonging and support, and enhance their physical and emotional well-being. 


For a lot of people, this can be the most difficult dimension and that’s why I created this community. We are all here for each other and no one is alone in this journey.

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